I ran into this site while searching for a horse handicapper. It is UnReal Racing The concept is pretty neat, you buy a horse, then you have to train it and feed it and there are all kinds of variables involved. And you get to race for real money. start out at $40 races, then $400 races, and they have $2500 and $3000 races. I just started out 4 days ago, the people in the forums say if you spend a couple days reading the forums and learning everything, then you should have no problem getting the entertainment free at the very worst, I guess the leader has $27000 in career earnings. You get $30 for everyone you sign up too, so hopefully one or two of you will be interested, so I can take the pressure off my horse to earn its keep the first 2 months
Let me know if you have any questions about it, Im no expert though. Figured some of you horse players might enjoy this though. Later